Social platforms also play an essential role when it comes to promoting yourself on the internet. Likewise, they are the perfect complement for other types of tasks related to the positioning of your site, which, consequently, will help you achieve a better ranking in Google.

Of course, for this, it is important to know how to implement a good SEO strategy in social networks, and in this post you will be able to find the information that is needed for it.

Social networks do not usually have a direct influence on the positioning of your site, since they are not considered by Google as an influential element. However, SEO in social networks plays a fundamental role in this because, through these it is possible to more easily distribute everything you publish.

That is, through them you can massify your content, adding links in different entries, which will be a point of entry or capture of many readers. In addition, they offer different advantages with respect to the organic positioning of your site:

  • With them, it is possible to extend the life of the entries or posts of a website or blog, promoting it long after its publication.
  • It allows the content of your site to reach much more places and faster, therefore, they improve the traffic to your website.
  • They also allow you to increase the recognition of your brand, thus achieving greater prestige for it.
  • They amazingly optimize positioning locally.

There are many ways to take advantage of the networks to apply positioning techniques and, thus, improve the ranking or traffic index of your website. In this section you will see the five most common strategies in terms of SEO in social networks.

Not everything you post on your blog is considered content, since it is a very broad term that encompasses many elements, both on your website and on your networks. In this sense, it is normal to write a small review of what is being promoted, and it will depend on whether readers are interested.

You should always consider writing sentences that are attractive, but without resorting to dishonesty. Promising something that readers will not find can decrease traffic to your website.

Regardless of the quality of what you write or post, this will be useless if Internet users cannot mass such information. Remember that one of the most powerful means of sharing and spreading what you post is your own readers.

For this reason, and for SEO in social networks to be effective, it is important to place buttons in a convenient way, so that they can share on different social platforms.

That other people can spread this content will help your brand enjoy a certain prestige on the net. Using calls to action can make it happen this way.

Even if you have a well structured website, there is a greater probability that future buyers want to know more about you through your networks. But what if, when accessing, they do not find any relevant information? This is something that often generates distrust, which, consequently, will cause you to lose many customers.

For this reason, it is always recommended that your profiles are fully optimized, this means that you must complete them with personal information, and your brand. Such data will be of use to these buyers, in addition, it will make an impression of professionalism.

Images are an essential element when transmitting a message through any medium, even on social platforms. They make any information that you can post on networks more tractive, increasing the possibility of getting a click.

On the other hand, choosing these images carefully is also essential. That said, taking photos of any site on the internet can be unattractive to people, because it looks unoriginal. On the other hand, designing them yourself can generate better results and, in a certain way, you will be giving a style to your brand.

Generating a feeling of closeness and pleasant attention helps to captivate readers and / or buyers through these platforms. This is why one of the most recommended strategies for SEO in social networks is to interact with them.

In this sense, a person will find a greater affinity for a brand that, in addition to serving him, cares about relating to him. This is also a way to understand what your buyer persona wants, as well as the inconveniences it has with what you sell.

Headlines to promote a post, entry or product play a fundamental role in convincing readers. With them, you can cause the necessary motivation so that Internet users are tempted to click on your links.

These headlines can be accompanied by calls to action and a close narrative, focused on solving a problem, something that they can solve by accessing your link.

It is important to mention, as was done previously in the content strategy, that you should not suggest false information or promise something that readers will not get. Many people might consider it SPAM or scam, and it would cause inconvenience for your brand.

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